

After a lifetime of world travel Ive been fascinated that those in the third world dont have the same perception of reality that we do. – Jim Harrison

I have several dogs and several cats who arent really mine. In fact, they think that I am theirs. Id like to have some goats and chickens, but I travel around too much. – Eric Stoltz

People say, what is she thinking? Im thinking: fun cash travel. – Gail Porter

The last couple relationships I had were long distance. Its not like I can make much of an effort to travel and see anybody. The guy had to do all the work, unfortunately. – Holly Madison

I dont have the luxury of having a dog myself because I travel too much, but I love walking and cuddling somebody elses dog. – Ingrid Newkirk

I come from a small town and I come from a background where we didnt have money to travel. I thought Id have to join the military to get to Europe. So Im thrilled to travel. – Chris Isaak

I was always very determined and ambitious, and I knew I would do something that would let me travel and stuff, but I didnt know really know what I would do to get there. – Rachel Stevens

Once youre in the game and its a part of your life, you never want to leave it. But you have to be committed to be able to travel and do the things you need to do to be successful in whatever role youre doing. – Joe Sakic

You have to travel globally today to know whats going on and maintain an edge. – Yuri Milner

Its very expensive to be a professional tennis player with all the travel and the flights and the hotels and everything. – Caroline Wozniacki

I cant travel without Sudoku. – Robert Ballard

And, obviously as a, as one who likes to travel around myself a lot, I think the Earth is a beautiful place. And, Im looking forward to some new perspectives. – Duane G. Carey

Im still at the end of my rope because I find myself not handling things well when I travel. – Stephen Lewis

I desperately want a dog, but Ive been told I travel too much, and Im not allowed to have a dog. – Victoria Pratt

And now I have a big house, nice clothes and I travel in first class and I love it, so maybe its time to enjoy being a star. – Vincent Cassel

When I travel, I draw and paint sketches which is great fun. And as long as you are fully aware that it has nothing to do with actual art, I think thats all right. – Arne Jacobsen

I hope that Ill be hot for a long time so I can make a lot of money, I can retire early, and just travel. Hopefully that will happen. – Kristin Cavallari

The Presidents political travel is going to get blamed (and probably rightly) for a share of this downturn. – Robert Teeter

If somebody asked me about my inspiration I would say that its not the peopleand its not the things, its travel and experiencing different environments. – Marc Newson

No matter how you travel, its still you going. – Jeff Goldblum