Man will occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of the time he will pick himself up and continue on. – Winston Churchill
Everything that happens once can never happen again. But everything that happens twice will surely happen a third time. – Paulo Coelho
Humans are amphibians – half spirit and half animal. As spirits they belong to the eternal world, but as animals they inhabit time. – C. S. Lewis
One does not leave a convivial party before closing time. – Winston Churchill
No idea is so outlandish that it should not be considered with a searching but at the same time a steady eye. – Winston Churchill
The time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time. – Bertrand Russell
Every time I plant a seed, He say kill it before it grow, he say kill it before they grow. – Bob Marley
If you can look into the seeds of time, and say which grain will grow and which will not, speak then unto me. – William Shakespeare
Time and the hour run through the roughest day. – William Shakespeare
The time to repair the roof is when the sun is shining. – John F. Kennedy
The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. – Ralph Waldo Emerson
Do the one thing you think you cannot do. Fail at it. Try again. Do better the second time. The only people who never tumble are those who never mount the high wire. This is your moment. Own it. – Oprah Winfrey
Leisure is the time for doing something useful. This leisure the diligent person will obtain the lazy one never. – Benjamin Franklin
I existed from all eternity and, behold, I am here and I shall exist till the end of time, for my being has no end. – Khalil Gibran
If time be of all things the most precious, wasting time must be the greatest prodigality. – Benjamin Franklin
We must use time as a tool, not as a couch. – John F. Kennedy
Employ thy time well, if thou meanest to gain leisure. – Benjamin Franklin
I find television very educating. Every time somebody turns on the set, I go into the other room and read a book. – Groucho Marx
Little minds have little worries, big minds have no time for worries. – Ralph Waldo Emerson
We praise a man who feels angry on the right grounds and against the right persons and also in the right manner at the right moment and for the right length of time. – Aristotle