

The theater, which is in no thing, but makes use of everything – Antonin Artaud

The theatre is a gross art, built in sweeps and over-emphasis. Compromise is its second name. – Enid Bagnold

Its one of the tragic ironies of the theatre that only one man in it can count on steady work — the night watchman. – Tallulah Bankhead

I submit all my plays to the National Theatre for rejection. To assure myself I am seeing clearly. – Howard Barker

For the theatre one needs long arms; it is better to have them too long than too short. An artiste with short arms can never, never make a fine gesture. – Sarah Bernhardt

We need a type of theatre which not only releases the feelings, insights and impulses possible within the particular historical field of human relations in which the action takes place, but employs and encourages those thoughts and feelings which help transform the field itself. – Bertolt Brecht

Theatergoing is a communal act, movie going a solitary one. – Robert Brustein

The primary function of a theater is not to please itself, or even to please its audience. It is to serve talent. – Robert Brustein

For my part, I confess I seldom listen to the players: one has so much to do, in looking about and finding out ones acquaintance, that, really, one has no time to mind the stage. One merely comes to meet ones friends, and show that ones alive. – Fanny Burney

I think the wonderful thing about doing theater is that its more of an actors medium. I think that film is more of a directors medium. You cant edit something out on stage. Its there. – Kim Cattrall

There was a time when all these things would have passed me by, like the flitting figures of a theatre, sufficient for the amusement of an hour. But now, I have lost the power of looking merely on the surface. – Lydia Maria Child

The stage is life, music, beautiful girls, legs, breasts, not talk or intellectualism or dried-up academics. – Harold Clurman

I just love, I love, I love movies. – Laura Dern

The pit of a theatre is the one place where the tears of virtuous and wicked men alike are mingled. – Denis Diderot

I had learned to have a perfect nausea for the theatre: the continual repetition of the same words and the same gestures, night after night, and the caprices, the way of looking at life, and the entire rigmarole disgusted me. – Isadora Duncan

This…is an age of specialization, and in such an age the repertory theater is an anachronism, a ludicrous anachronism. – Minnie Maddern Fiske

…I have never known a movement in the theater that did not work direct and serious harm. Indeed, I have sometimes felt that the very people associated with various uplifting activities in the theater are people who are astoundingly lacking in idealism. – Minnie Maddern Fiske

Idealistic producing is safe. Sensibly projected in the theater, the fine thing always does pay and always will. – Minnie Maddern Fiske