

I think that technology has both introduced new sounds but also allowed an increasingly painterly approach to recording music as you can now paint over what youve done and more and more refine an existing performance. – Jerry Harrison

The thing thats changed the most has just been the rapid technology. – Jeffrey Katzenberg

For behaviorist films, thats been much more useful – the change of technology – but for my kind of films, doing them on film is much better, because its more beautiful. – Michael Apted

Society will decide after the technology is created what we will and wont accept. – Jesse Eisenberg

IBMs long-standing mantra is Think. What has always made IBM a fascinating and compelling place for me, is the passion of the company, and its people, to apply technology and scientific thinking to major societal issues. – Ginni Rometty

Were in this transition period of figuring out how to deal with all the new technology that is out there, but television still proves to be the granddaddy of them all. – Jeff Zucker

My grandfather on my mothers side was a professor of mechanical engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology my other grandfather was a lawyer, and one time Speaker of the Tennessee House of Representatives. – Kenneth G. Wilson

Realize that a Muslim will know that his wife was seen naked in this machine. You know what would be the reaction?… Terrible. I believe theres technology out there that can identify bomb-type materials without necessarily, overly invading our privacy. – Isaac Yeffet

Computer games tend to be boys games, warlike games with more violence. We have not spent enough time thinking through how to encourage more girls to be involved in computing before coming to college so they can see a possible career in information technology. – Freeman A. Hrabowski III

Theres a consistency in my work that pops up independent of the limitations of the technology. – Douglas Trumbull

I really believe that we dont have to make a trade-off between security and privacy. I think technology gives us the ability to have both. – John Poindexter

This really is a merger of equals. I wouldnt have come back to work for anything less than this fantastic opportunity. This lets me combine my two great loves – technology and biscuits. – Lou Gerstner

We have the new greatest generation. We dont need as large a military due to the technology we have, the equipment we have outfitting our personnel. They really are storm troopers. – Joe Wilson

The technology is good and its bad. You know what youre dealing with out there musically, but my head stops at this electronic stuff. I dont quite know what Im dealing with out there yet. – Paul Anka

Triumphant science and technology are only at the threshold of mans command over sources of energy so stupendous that, if used for military purposes, they can wipe out our entire civilization. – Cordell Hull

New technology is useful, but its inefficient and ugly it knows itll be obsolete by lunchtime tomorrow, so it has no incentive to be anything else. – Tom Holt

Im going to be in technology for a long time. – Eric Lefkofsky

Every time new technology is introduced, especially involving reproduction, you get the yuck effect. – Brigitte Boisselier

The technology that threatens to kill off books as we know them – the physical book, a new phrase in our language – is also making the physical book capable of being more beautiful than books have been since the middle ages. – Art Spiegelman

I dont cook – I can cook – but Im not very good. I like being asked over for dinner, because she cant cook either. We would starve if it werent for modern technology. I know how to work a microwave, but love home cooked meals. – Mark Mothersbaugh