

The music technology scene is changing so fast its hard to keep up. – Natasha Bedingfield

Im creating the kind of games that I like right now. Im not being held back by technology. – John Romero

Ever since the arrival of printing – thought to be the invention of the devil because it would put false opinions into peoples minds – people have been arguing that new technology would have disastrous consequences for language. – David Crystal

Theres evidence of a social decline in direct proportion to technology and the industrialization of the motion picture industry. – Mark Rydell

I think thats the phenomenon of our time is that a lot of women keep themselves in good shape but that theres not a lot of accommodation or people out there to connect with and the technology. – Stockard Channing

Everythings changed. The technology is the big thing changing now, the way movies like Alice or Avatar are made. And technology on the other side, the audience side. Word spreads so fast now on a movie, with the Internet, and piracy is something coming down the line like in the music industry. – Richard D. Zanuck

I try to be careful because technology changes so much over the years. But some things dont change. Kids and parents have disagreements, kids try to manipulate, parents try to sit down with rules and regs. That part never changes. – Paula Danziger

Stevie didnt use the technology to drive the song. He used it to enhance. I use the tools to further my work, I dont use my work to further the tools. – Brian McKnight

From a technical point of view, there seemed to me to be absolutely no reason why – with the existing technology – we couldnt do very high quality audio, because whereas the boom in digital graphics is ongoing, the boom in digital audio has already happened. – Thomas Dolby

I was using tape loops for dancers and dance production. I had very funky primitive equipment, in fact technology wasnt very good no matter how much money you had. – Terry Riley

I am a technological activist. I have a political agenda. I am in favor of basic human rights: to free speech, to use any information and technology, to purchase and use recreational drugs, to enjoy and purchase so-called vices, to be free of intruders, and to privacy. – Bram Cohen

Community colleges need to be upgraded. We got to have training for real jobs. Weve got a lot of jobs that are going unfilled because we dont have the technology in the heads of graduating college students to deal with them. – Emanuel Cleaver

Im not a tech guy. Im looking at the technology with the eyes of my customers, normal peoples eyes. – Jack Ma

I cant get my head around the fact that the technology of the first two movies, which are forty years prior to Star Wars, is so much better than any technology they had in Star Wars! – David Prowse

I think technology has changed America, not any one organization. Technology is taking the power away from the few. Therell be a lot more choices, and good people who are doing serious stuff will survive and therell be a lot more voices, and that is very healthy. – Brian Lamb

When dealing in the technology, it becomes a question of whether you overuse something. I think thats worse than having something technologically available to you and not using it. – Al Michaels

Technology is permeating every single thing we do… And to the extent that we can better expose our young people to all the different ways that technology can be used, not just for video games or toys, were planning for the future. – Marc Morial

I think 99 percent of womens lib comes from technology making different kinds of lives possible, and then the social adjustment follows the technology – it doesnt precede it. – Lois McMaster Bujold

Technology isnt the enemy, it is our ally, but only if we adopt a new model that puts people before profit. I realize that we seem far from that model, but I have seen it in action and it is a beautiful thing. So Im not willing to give up yet. Hope is the last thing to die. – Justin Sane

Ive been thinking about the distorted view of science that prevails in our culture. Ive been wondering about this, because our civilization is completely dependent on science and high technology, yet most of us are alienated from science. – Ann Druyan