

I was attending the University of Alberta. I was going to be a high school teacher, like my parents. I failed – no, I didnt fail a class, I just barely passed. I really didnt try. It was Canadian history, through the plays of the time. My God, those were boring plays. – Nathan Fillion

I used to write things for friends. There was this girl I had a crush on, and she had a teacher she didnt like at school. I had a real crush on her, so almost every day I would write her a little short story where she would kill him in a different way. – Stephen Colbert

A friend of mine said, no matter what I do I always look like an English teacher. She actually said, you still look like a Campbells Soup kid. – Kate Clinton

Its the teacher that makes the difference, not the classroom. – Michael Morpurgo

You never know whats going to happen. My mother was an English teacher. If someone had told her that I was going to write a book, she would never have believed that. So you can never say never. – Tony Dungy

We love the precepts for the teachers sake. – George Farquhar

I was a writer. I just wasnt a very good one. I was lucky enough to have a playwriting teacher who told me that Id be a better actor than I would a playwright. – Liev Schreiber

I never wore a tie voluntarily, even though I was forced to wear one for photos when I was young and for official events at school. I used to wrap my tie in a newspaper, and whenever the teacher checked I would quickly put it on again. Im not used to it. Most Bolivians dont wear ties. – Evo Morales

A teacher is never too smart to learn from his pupils. But while runners differ, basic principles never change. So its a matter of fitting your current practices to fit the event and the individual. See, whats good for you might not be worth a darn for the next guy. – Bill Bowerman

I have always believed that 98% of a students progress is due to his own efforts, and 2% to his teacher. – John Philip Sousa

No, Im happy to go on living the life Ive chosen. Im a university teacher and I like my job. – Antonio Tabucchi

I remember telling my creative writing teacher that you never want to have a journal, because if you lose it, then someones going to know all your secrets. And then she stopped using a journal, but I always write everything down… Anytime I travel, I try and fill up notepads. – Garrett Hedlund

Ive never considered myself a celebrity or even part of the entertainment business. Im a cooking teacher. – Martin Yan

When I started writing full time I had not long stopped being a teacher and when at last I had a full day to write, I would put music on and wonder to myself – am I allowed to do this? Then I thought: I am control of this and no one is telling me what I can do. – Roddy Doyle

Im the son of an everyman. My father is a teacher. He teaches physics at a boys school in Sydney. – Alex OLoughlin

I had a great drama teacher in high school, and thats when I started to learn about the history of theater. – Elizabeth Olsen

I want to be involved with young people in some way. Teenagers. Because thats the most vulnerable time. I have a fantasy of becoming a teacher one day. – Elisabeth Shue

From a very early age, my wife and I told our son that there are times and places for everything. I told him, look, when youre in class, you have to be quiet and listen to your teacher, but when you go out to the playground, you can scream and be silly. – Mark Hoppus

My younger sister had kids before I did, and managed to earn a masters degree while raising them as a single parent. Now shes a brilliant second-grade teacher. Im in awe of her ability to juggle everything and still be a great mother. – Idina Menzel

I think my parents were happy that Id gone to university and gotten a degree in history so they thought, Well if acting doesnt work for him, he can always become a history teacher or something. Fortunately, the acting worked out. – Derek Jacobi