
New Year

An optimist stays up until midnight to see the new year in. A pessimist stays up to make sure the old year leaves. – Bill Vaughan (1915–1977), in The Kansas City Star

Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right. – Oprah Winfrey (b.1954)

I fear thee not, O untried morrow! – Julia B. Cady (d.1869), “New-Year Thoughts,” in Sabbath at Home, January 1870

I found that a new oath holds pretty well; but… when it is become old and frayed out and damaged by a dozen annual retryings of its remains, it ceases to be serviceable; any little strain will snap it. – Mark Twain (1835–1910), speech, Tile Club Dinner for Laurence Hutton, New

There are those who try to bottle the old year for safekeeping but at midnight the cork always pops. – Terri Guillemets, “Memories old & new,” 2005

The rose of the old year withers away as the new bud begins to bloom. – Terri Guillemets, “Withered,” 2004

One resolution I have made, and try always to keep, is this: to rise above the little things. – Author unknown

The old year cracks under the burdensome weight of twelve heavy months, and the next year emerges fresh and anew from its shell. – Terri Guillemets, “A cracked bell still tolls,” 2010

Approach the New Year with resolve to find the opportunities hidden in each new day. – Michael Josephson (b.1942),

Whether we want them or not, the New Year will bring new challenges; whether we seize them or not, the New Year will bring new opportunities. – Michael Josephson (b.1942),

Like age, a new year is just a number. – Terri Guillemets, “MMIV,” 2003

I made no resolutions for the New Year. The habit of making plans, of criticizing, sanctioning and molding my life, is too much of a daily event for me. – Anaïs Nin (1903–1977), journal, January 1927

You can press the old year betwixt the pages of a book, but alas! the new chapter always gets written. – Terri Guillemets, “Pressed for time,” 2005

The only way to spend New Years Eve is either quietly with friends or in a brothel. Otherwise when the evening ends and people pair off, someone is bound to be left in tears. – W. H. Auden

Then sing, young hearts that are full of cheer, with never a thought of sorrow; the old goes out, but the glad young year comes merrily in tomorrow. – Emily Miller

Every New Year is the direct descendant, isnt it, of a long line of proven criminals? – Ogden Nash