

Everybody gets everything handed to them. The rich inherit it. I dont mean just inheritance of money. I mean what people take for granted among the middle and upper classes, which is nepotism, the old-boy network. – Toni Morrison

I like to sing ballads the way Eddie Fisher does and the way Perry Como does. But the way Im singing now is what makes the money. – Elvis Presley

Money is like hormones. Its just how you feel on any given day. – Janice Dickinson

Never work just for money or for power. They wont save your soul or help you sleep at night. – Marian Wright Edelman

I have no idea how much money Ive got. – Daniel Radcliffe

Youre right on the money with that. Were all like detectives in life. Theres something at the end of the trail that were all looking for. – David Lynch

Nothing that is Gods is obtainable by money. – Tertullian

The companies that survive longest are the ones that work out what they uniquely can give to the world not just growth or money but their excellence, their respect for others, or their ability to make people happy. Some call those things a soul. – Charles Handy

Money is just the poor mans credit card. – Marshall McLuhan

Money is a poor mans credit card. – Marshall McLuhan

If you really believe that youre making a difference and that you can leave a legacy of better schools and jobs and safer streets, why would you not spend the money? The objective is to improve the schools, bring down crime, build affordable housing, clean the streets – not to have a fair fight. – Michael Bloomberg

Hollywood is so fake and people need to realize that people are just people, and you, too, dont need to be born into something or have money or have whatever product someone is hawking on you. – Katy Perry

I think that what went wrong with religion is the same thing that went wrong with politics. Is that it became too money based and too controlling. Its just a weakness that we human beings have for control – we want one thing and then we want more and then we want more. – Dave Davies

People spend time worrying about things they think they have to have and lose perception of what they do have. You can have all the money and material things you want. If you arent here to enjoy them, what good do they do? – Eric Davis

I think that lawyers are terrible at admitting that theyre wrong. And not just admitting it also realizing it. Most lawyers are very successful, and they think that because theyre making money and people think well of them, they must be doing everything right. – Alan Dershowitz

You got to have a courageous president to stand up and says, listen, if – if you send a bill to me that spends more money than what weve coming in, Ill veto it. I mean, Im going to try to work with you the best I can, but Im going to veto it. – Rick Perry

If you wake up deciding what you want to give versus what youre going to get, you become a more successful person. In other words, if you want to make money, you have to help someone else make money. – Russell Simmons

To get rich, you have to be making money while youre asleep. – David Bailey

I dont care half so much about making money as I do about making my point, and coming out ahead. – Cornelius Vanderbilt

The less money you owe, the less income youll need and the less youll have to save for tomorrow. – Suze Orman