

I guess something that Ive noticed from American acts who had success in touring is more of an explanation as to their music. Which is I think quite funny. I think British acts might like to leave more to the imagination – maybe a bit more obscure perhaps – a bit more shy. – Ben Lovett

People know that theyre going to see something which is entertaining but challenging as well because of the form its in. Its dance theatre and it requires you to use your imagination – its not straight forward. – Matthew Bourne

Suddenly the whole imagination of writing and editorial and newspaper and all these presumptions about who am I reading this, and who else other people may be, and all that, its so grimly brutal! – Robert Creeley

I certainly know there are people in positions of power in the business who lack imagination and, perhaps as a result of that, think of me as David. But I wouldnt really want to work with those people, you know? – Michael C. Hall

Im not claiming that football is the nations salvation in this area, but its one of them, one little thing that apparently has captured the imagination of a large sector of our society. But when football cant be a relatively pure outlet, a fun thing, then it hurts itself. – Pete Rozelle

Doing White Collar, quite often my character goes undercover, so therein lies the compounding of the imagination. I get to play Peter Burke and then someone else when Peter Burke goes undercover. – Tim DeKay

The Polar Express is about faith, and the power of imagination to sustain faith. Its also about the desire to reside in a world where magic can happen, the kind of world we all believed in as children, but one that disappears as we grow older. – Chris Van Allsburg

I think its fun to play with worlds that you can add a lot of your own imagination to. With True Blood, youre not limited by anything, there are just leaps and bounds of the imagination you can take with these characters. – Deborah Ann Woll

The capacity youre thinking of is imagination without it there can be no understanding, indeed no fiction. – William Trevor

Id love to play more challenging roles, characters that would stretch my comfort zone and imagination. – Isabelle Fuhrman

I dont think that people should wear dresses two sizes too small. I just think that sexiness is better left to the imagination. Its just more tasteful. – Rachel Zoe

You know, working as an actor, Im always working within my own imagination. – Charles Keating

What I love most about animation is, its a team sport, and everything we do is about pure imagination. – Jeffrey Katzenberg

Ive got research, I have my own life experience I can apply, and I have my imagination. – Chris Cooper

We can live with lots of things, but we cant live without imagination, we cant live without hope. – Ariel Dorfman

I think reading is important for a variety of things. I mean, first of all, its a way to get information and find out whats going on in the world. But also, it helps your imagination. – Breckin Meyer

I think were all a little afraid of the dark. If you lived in the country, as I did, theres nothing quite like country dark, which was really black. And as a child, your imagination runs wild. – Malcolm McDowell

When you believe in what youre doing and use your imagination and initiative, you can make a difference. – Samuel Dash

And, as I have said, its made me think twice about the imagination. If the spirits arent external, how astonishing the mediums become! Victor Hugo said of his voices that they were like his own mental powers multiplied by five. – James Merrill

Further, for once, I like the idea that people who think Im a constant voice for the furthering of the imagination have to see that interest in a more materialistic fashion. – Peter Sotos