I certainly know there are people in positions of power in the bus

I certainly know there are people in positions of power in the business who lack imagination and, perhaps as a result of that, think of me as David. But I wouldnt really want to work with those people, you know? – Michael C. Hall

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You can have 10 bucks to 10 million bucks and if you got a crew, imagination and a lot of people willing to turn in some work next to nothing, you going to have a feature. But you cant get beyond how expensive marketing the movie is, its so crushing. – Kevin Smith


In imagination, theres no limitation. – Mark Victor Hansen


When something is such a creative medium as the web, the limits to it are our imagination. – Tim Berners Lee


If there is a book that the script came from you have to read it, you have to see what you can get out of it: mood, back story and things that may not even be in the film. They kick off your imagination and broaden the character, I think. – Miranda Otto


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I feel like I write songs for the future or something. Not in an arrogant way, but I feel like maybe my songs were, like, before their time or something. – Ellie Goulding


I tell you, it was kind of two-fold. I fortunately had a lot of support. My coach was amazing – he told me to focus on being prepared and that is what I did. Every athlete is nervous – any athlete who tells you theyre not nervous isnt telling you the truth. I was as prepared as I could be. – Carl Lewis


Pleasure and freedom from pain, are the only things desirable as ends. – John Stuart Mill


You know, were each the hero of our own story and we perceive whats going on around us, and especially in a relationship, from the kind of viewpoint of, Well, this is my story, and Im the hero of that, and I justify what I do around it. – Michael Sheen
