
Ignorance & Stupidity

Against stupidity; God Himself is helpless. – Yiddish Proverb

A man profits more by the sight of an idiot than by the orations of the learned. – Arabic Proverb

Hanlons Razor:
Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity. – Anon.

Ignorance doesnt kill you, but it makes you sweat a lot. – Proverb

Better to ask a question than to remain ignorant. – Proverb

What you dont know cant hurt you . – Proverb

You must not enthrone ignorance just because there is much of it. – Proverb

Stupidity is a force unto itself. – Proverb

There are two things which cannot be attacked in front: ignorance and narrow-mindedness. They can only be shaken by the simple development of the contrary qualities. They will not bear discussion. – Lord (John Emerich Edward Dalberg) Acton

To be ignorant of ones ignorance is the malady of the ignorant. – Amos Bronson Alcott

It is only out of ignorance that people are cruel, because they really don – Maya Angelou

I dont want anything I dont deserve, but if they offer me more money, Im not stupid. – Antonio Banderas

Unintelligent people always look for a scapegoat. – Ernest Bevin

The sage awakes to light in the night of all creatures. That which the world calls day is the night of ignorance to the wise. – Bhagavad Gita

Only Socrates knew, after a lifetime of unceasing labor, that he was ignorant. Now every high-school student knows that. How did it become so easy? – Allan Bloom

It is against stupidity in every shape and form that we have to wage our eternal battle. But how can we wonder at the want of sense on the part of those who have had no advantages, when we see such plentiful absence of that commodity on the part of those who have had all the advantages? – William Booth

It costs to be stupid. The stupider you are, the more it costs. – Sherrill Brown

Ignorance is not innocence, but sin. – Robert Browning

The Cardinal is at his wits end — it is true that he had not far to go. – Lord (George Gordon) Byron

To be clever enough to get all the money, one must be stupid enough to want it. – G. K. Chesterton