

But let me tell you, this gender thing is history. Youre looking at a guy who sat down with Margaret Thatcher across the table and talked about serious issues. – George H. W. Bush

Bulls dont read. Bears read financial history. As markets fall to bits, the bears dust off the Dutch tulip mania of 1637, the Banque Royale of 1719-20, the railway speculation of the 1840s, the great crash of 1929. – James Buchan

A day spent praising the earth and lamenting mans pollutionist history makes you feel like a superior, sensitive soul. – Russell Baker

To be converted you have to destroy your past, destroy your history. You have to stamp on it, you have to say my ancestral culture does not exist, it doesnt matter. – V. S. Naipaul

I dont see women and think of them as competition or with judgment. Women really move me. I feel connected to all kinds of women. I am angry because I think weve been mistreated throughout history in different countries, including America. I admire women. – Salma Hayek

Some might think that George W. Bush had his shortcomings, but let me tell you something – historys going to be kind to George W. Bush. – J. C. Watts

Anybody who comes to the cinema is bringing theyre whole sexual history, their literary history, their movie literacy, their culture, their language, their religion, whatever theyve got. I cant possibly manipulate all of that, nor do I want to. – David Cronenberg

Historys a resource. – Laura Linney

Im not giving up my history and what Ive done in my music because I love it and Im very proud of it. I just want to open it up for more people. – LL Cool J

He could have made it right with the book. But he hasnt. He is a revisionist of history. He has lied. – Monica Lewinsky

Jews read the books of Moses not just as history but as divine command. The question to which they are an answer is not, What happened? but rather, How then shall I live? And its only with the exodus that the life of the commands really begins. – Jonathan Sacks

I dont seem to be able to learn from experience or anything useful. History doesnt help me. Precedents dont inform my experience. – Bill Nighy

I went to Ohio University studying arts and history, and playing football. But I was only interested in girls, my pals and sports. I only did the minimum for school. – Ed ONeill

I dont really think of things in terms of legacy or where I stand in the history of Nintendo or anything like that. – Shigeru Miyamoto

For most of our history, no one dared to tell Americans, you dont build that. – Rand Paul

Every writer has his writing technique – what he can and cant do to describe something like war or history. Im not good at writing about those things, but I try because I feel it is necessary to write that kind of thing. – Haruki Murakami

Ive never been nostalgic, personally or politically – if the past was so great, how come its history? – Julie Burchill

If I didnt have a front-row seat on history, it was at least a seat on the aisle. – Dan Rather

Love is the whole history of a womans life, it is but an episode in a mans. – Madame de Stael

I think journalists have the right to their opinions but I think their opinions should be based on history and what they see, not what they feel, how long theyve been waiting or whether its raining or its snowing or whatever. – Marc Jacobs