

The chains of habit are generally too small to be felt until they are too strong to be broken. – Samuel Johnson

Habit is habit, and not to be flung out of the window by any man, but coaxed downstairs a step at a time. – Mark Twain

A habit is something you can do without thinking — which is why most of us have so many of them. – Frank A. Clark

Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going. – Jim Ryun

Bad habits are easier to abandon today than tomorrow. – Yiddish Proverb

The unfortunate thing about this world is that good habits are so much easier to give up than bad ones. – Somerset Maugham

Habit, if not resisted, soon becomes necessity. – St. Augustine

Habits are at first cobwebs, then cables. – Spanish Proverb

The hard must become habit. The habit must become easy. The easy must become beautiful. – Doug Henning

Habit is a second nature which prevents us from knowing the first, of which it has neither the cruelties nor the enchantments. – Marcel Proust

The satisfied, the happy, do not live; they fall asleep in habit, near neighbor to annihilation. – Miguel de Unamuno, The Tragic Sense of Life

Habit is thus the enormous flywheel of society, its most precious conservative agent. It alone is what keeps us all within the bounds of ordinance, and saves the children of fortune from the envious uprisings of the poor. – William James, The Principles of Psychology

Habit is a cable; we weave a thread each day, and at last we cannot break it. – Horace Mann

To fall into a habit is to begin to cease to be. – Miguel de Unamuno, The Tragic Sense of Life

The best way to break a bad habit is to drop it. – Leo Aikman

Habits are cobwebs at first; cables at last. – Chinese Proverb

Bad habits are like a comfortable bed, easy to get into, but hard to get out of. – Anon.

Good habits result from resisting temptation. – Proverb

Habits are formed by the repetition of particular acts. They are strengthened by an increase in the number of repeated acts. Habits are also weakened or broken, and contrary habits are formed by the repetition of contrary acts. – Mortimer J. Adler

It is well to be up before daybreak, for such habits contribute to health, wealth, and wisdom. – Aristotle