

What is most important for democracy is not that great fortunes should not exist, but that great fortunes should not remain in the same hands. In that way there are rich men, but they do not form a class. – Alexis de Tocqueville

All really great lovers are articulate, and verbal seduction is the surest road to actual seduction. – Marya Mannes

Great minds are to make others great. Their superiority is to be used, not to break the multitude to intellectual vassalage, not to establish over them a spiritual tyranny, but to rouse them from lethargy, and to aid them to judge for themselves. – William Ellery Channing

I think that the good and the great are only separated by the willingness to sacrifice. – Kareem Abdul-Jabbar

Little progress can be made by merely attempting to repress what is evil. Our great hope lies in developing what is good. – Calvin Coolidge

A cloudy day or a little sunshine have as great an influence on many constitutions as the most recent blessings or misfortunes. – Joseph Addison

When a great team loses through complacency, it will constantly search for new and more intricate explanations to explain away defeat. – Pat Riley

To be conscious that you are ignorant of the facts is a great step to knowledge. – Benjamin Disraeli

The great end of life is not knowledge but action. – Francis Bacon

We need a great president. – Donald Trump

All great and beautiful work has come of first gazing without shrinking into the darkness. – John Ruskin

Great countries are those that produce great people. – Benjamin Disraeli

King Louis Philippe once said to me that he attributed the great success of the British nation in political life to their talking politics after dinner. – Benjamin Disraeli

Almost everything that is great has been done by youth. – Benjamin Disraeli

The desire for safety stands against every great and noble enterprise. – Tacitus

A subtle thought that is in error may yet give rise to fruitful inquiry that can establish truths of great value. – Isaac Asimov

Great events make me quiet and calm it is only trifles that irritate my nerves. – Queen Victoria

No great deed is done by falterers who ask for certainty. – George Eliot

It is humiliating to remain with our hands folded while others write history. It matters little who wins. To make a people great it is necessary to send them to battle even if you have to kick them in the pants. That is what I shall do. – Benito Mussolini

The great person is ahead of their time, the smart make something out of it, and the blockhead, sets themselves against it. – Jean Baudrillard