

A great secret of success is to go through life as a man who never gets used up. – Albert Schweitzer

Moderation has been called a virtue to limit the ambition of great men, and to console undistinguished people for their want of fortune and their lack of merit. – Benjamin Disraeli

The man who throws a bomb is an artist, because he prefers a great moment to everything. – Gilbert K. Chesterton

Life is a great big canvas throw all the paint you can at it. – Danny Kaye

With people of limited ability modesty is merely honesty. But with those who possess great talent it is hypocrisy. – Arthur Schopenhauer

It is not enough to have great qualities We should also have the management of them. – Francois de La Rochefoucauld

I have a great love and respect for religion, great love and respect for atheism. What I hate is agnosticism, people who do not choose. – Orson Welles

The very greatest things – great thoughts, discoveries, inventions – have usually been nurtured in hardship, often pondered over in sorrow, and at length established with difficulty. – Samuel Smiles

It is part of a good man to do great and noble deeds, though he risk everything. – Plutarch

Men are not great or small because of their material possessions. They are great or small because of what they are. – James Cash Penney

I think capital punishment works great. Every killer you kill never kills again. – Bill Maher

He had no failings which were not owing to a noble cause to an ardent, generous, perhaps an immoderate passion for fame a passion which is the instinct of all great souls. – Edmund Burke

Seeds of great discoveries are constantly floating around us, but they only take root in minds well prepared to receive them. – Joseph Henry

A difference of taste in jokes is a great strain on the affections. – George Eliot

We are all faced with a series of great opportunities brilliantly disguised as impossible situations. – Charles R. Swindoll

What distinguishes a great artist from a weak one is first their sensibility and tenderness second, their imagination, and third, their industry. – Salman Rushdie

In reading the lives of great men, I found that the first victory they won was over themselves… self-discipline with all of them came first. – Harry S. Truman

My greatest point is my persistence. I never give up in a match. However down I am, I fight until the last ball. My list of matches shows that I have turned a great many so-called irretrievable defeats into victories. – Bjorn Borg

There is something great and terrible about suicide. – Honore de Balzac

No great idea in its beginning can ever be within the law. How can it be within the law? The law is stationary. The law is fixed. The law is a chariot wheel which binds us all regardless of conditions or place or time. – Emma Goldman