

As more people rely on government programs, the harder it becomes to conduct the necessary reforms to preserve them to help our societys most vulnerable. – Jim DeMint

Im not driven to get back into politics. Its not on my top five things to do before I die, but saying that, I may be in politics in the next year or the next ten years. Ive been on the front line for 12 years, four in state government, eight on the national level. – J. C. Watts

The money that goes into Social Security is not the governments money. its your money. You paid for it. – Mitch McConnell

A reporters ability to keep the bond of confidentiality often enables him to learn the hidden or secret aspects of government. – Bob Woodward

Weve been so preoccupied with getting the government to behave in a fair and democratic way, we were not able to focus on the private sector where most of the jobs are, where most of the wealth and opportunities are. – Jesse Jackson

Someone has to stay on the line and say, no, we can do this by cutting spending and reducing the size of government. Thats what I was committed to doing. – Chris Christie

Now, in New Jersey, we have more government workers per square mile than any state in America. But since Ive been governor we now have fewer people on the state payroll at any time since Christie Whitman left office in January 2001. Thats the right direction, Mr. President, not the wrong direction. – Chris Christie

I believe in the America peoples ability to govern themselves. If government would just get out of the way and allow them to lead their lives as they choose, they will succeed. – Jesse Ventura

If youre an old pro, you know how well youre doing when youre doing it, and your inner government spanks you if youre not doing well. – Jerry Lewis

I hate big government, but I really hate a government that doesnt work. So when they say we either have to raise taxes or cut core services, its actually a false choice. – Scott Walker

But I dont want massive layoffs of anyone – public or private. We are planning on shrinking government through attrition and reform, not through random pink slips. – Scott Walker

When government disappears, its not as if paradise will take its place. When governments are gone, other interests will take their place. – Lawrence Lessig

If you join government, calmly make your contribution and move on. Dont go along to get along do your best and when you have to – and you will – leave, and be something else. – Peggy Noonan

The only thing growing faster than the federal governments deficit is Chris Matthews man-crush on Barack Obama. – Tim Pawlenty

It is the duty of Her Majestys government neither to flap nor to falter. – Harold MacMillan

Im not a knee-jerk conservative. I passionately believe in free markets and less government, but not to the point of being a libertarian. – Rupert Murdoch

When the news is good, the BBC view is: Get the government out of the picture quickly, dont allow them to say anything about it. When the news is bad: Lets all dump on the government. – Iain Duncan Smith

You know, when Republicans were in charge, we doubled the debt. But, now, our concern is the Democrats are in charge and theyre tripling the debt. So, really, our concern is that we want smaller government. – Rand Paul

We dont need bigger government. We need to shrink the size of government. – Rand Paul

Its counterintuitive, but the most divisive arrangement is when the same party controls both Congress and the presidency, a situation encountered in eight of the past 10 years. With government unified under a single party, the minority has the least possible incentive to cooperate with the majority. – John Sununu