

If you believe in God, He will open the windows of heaven and pour blessings upon you. – Mahalia Jackson

God loves to help him who strives to help himself. – Aeschylus

God lends a helping hand to the man who tries hard. – Aeschylus

God always strives together with those who strive. – Aeschylus

After all, God is God because he remembers. – Elie Wiesel

Each one of us is an outlet to God and an inlet to God. – Ernest Holmes

God gave me life to continue to do things that I would never have done. – Stevie Wonder

The way to be with God in every season is to strive to be near Him every week and each day. – Thomas S. Monson

I only answer to two people, myself and God. – Cher

If you must be mad, be it not for the things of the world. Be mad with the love of God. – Ramakrishna

Every morning I wake up and thank God. – Aaron Neville

One must be very particular about telling the truth. Through truth one can realize God. – Ramakrishna

God is bigger than people think. – Jimmy Dean

Whatever comes from God is impossible for a man to turn back. – Herodotus

There is no work, however vile or sordid, that does not glisten before God. – John Calvin

For it pleased God, after he had made all things by the word of his power, to create man after his own image. – George Whitefield

God sent Jesus as an example to see if we could retain and maintain the Holy Spirit in human flesh. – Benny Hinn

Before we can know God and understand his great plan it is first necessary for us to believe that he exists and that he rewards all who diligently seek him. – Joseph Franklin Rutherford

God gets you to the plate, but once your there your on your own. – Ted Williams

The Bible is a revelation of the mind and will of God to men. Therein we may learn, what God is. – Jupiter Hammon