

An honest God is the noblest work of man. – Robert Green Ingersoll

Out of chaos God made a world, and out of high passions comes a people. – Lord Byron

Everything we do should be a result of our gratitude for what God has done for us. – Lauryn Hill

All of us are guinea pigs in the laboratory of God. Humanity is just a work in progress. – Tennessee Williams

May the God of your choice bless and keep you. I respect Him as long as He does not circumcise me anymore. – Kinky Friedman

We were born to die and we die to live. As seedlings of God, we barely blossom on earth we fully flower in heaven. – Russell M. Nelson

God gives the nuts, but he does not crack them. – Franz Kafka

Everyone who understands the nature of God rightly necessarily knows that God is to be believed and hoped in, that he is to be loved and called upon, and to be heard in all things. – William Ames

It is better to go skiing and think of God, than go to church and think of sport. – Fridtjof Nansen

Grieve not, then, if your sons seem to desert you, but rejoice, rather, seeing the will of God done gladly. – Jim Elliot

Blessed are the people whose leaders can look destiny in the eye without flinching but also without attempting to play God. – Henry A. Kissinger

Hope is like peace. It is not a gift from God. It is a gift only we can give one another. – Elie Wiesel

There is only one thing that a man really wants to do, all his life and that is, to find his way to his God, his Morning Star, salute his fellow man, and enjoy the woman who has come the long way with him. – David Herbert Lawrence

Few nations have been so poor as to have but one god. Gods were made so easily, and the raw material cost so little, that generally the god market was fairly glutted and heaven crammed with these phantoms. – Robert Green Ingersoll

No man is excluded from calling upon God, the gate of salvation is set open unto all men: neither is there any other thing which keepeth us back from entering in, save only our own unbelief. – John Calvin

Man is born passionate of body, but with an innate though secret tendency to the love of Good in his main-spring of Mind. But God help us all! It is at present a sad jar of atoms. – Lord Byron

I believe the Bible is the word of God from cover to cover. – Billy Sunday

Men judge us by the success of our efforts. God looks at the efforts themselves. – Charlotte Bronte

He was a wise man who originated the idea of God. – Euripides

They went into my closets looking for skeletons, but thank God, all they found were shoes, beautiful shoes. – Imelda Marcos