Education must, be not only a transmission of culture but also a provider of alternative views of the world and a strengthener of the will to explore them. – Jerome Bruner
Higher education is one of few areas where this country competes with the rest of the world and wins. The best of American higher education outstrips any in the world. Look where the rest of the world goes for higher education, for graduate degrees. They come here. – Donna Shalala
My parents discussed singing every night over the dinner table I had a tremendous music education. – Renee Fleming
The best method for preventing destructive cult involvement is preventative education. If students and the public at large are more aware of destructive groups beforehand they may better understand and resist their recruitment efforts. – Rick Ross
In Britain, the centrally prescribed welfare to work system short-changes the young unemployed. Transport, housing and education are over centralised. – David Miliband
My parents grew up working class, but in that way that working class families do, they spent a fortune on education to better me. – Graham Norton
Some of the things I think I learned from that were very educational as far as just paying bills – the basics in dealing with a restaurant like that. It was just life – the education involved in running the organization, even on a small level. – Todd English
When you have strict censorship of the internet, young students cannot receive a full education. Their view of the world is imbalanced. There can be no true discussion of the issues. – Ai Weiwei
Education is a precondition to survival in America today. – Marian Wright Edelman
Ignorance and a narrow education lay the foundation of vice, and imitation and custom rear it up. – Mary Astell
The Constitution was written by 55 educated and highly intelligent men in Philadelphia in 1787, but it was written so that it could be understood by people of limited education and modest intelligence. – John Jay Hooker
The gap in education in this country, the unfairness of the schools, is one of the great unfairness in this society. – Gaston Caperton
One of the greatest obstacles to escaping poverty is the staggering cost of higher education. – Chris Van Hollen
But the thing I felt most strongly about, and put at the end of one of the prison diaries, was education. – Jeffrey Archer
Politics should share one purpose with religion: the steady emancipation of the individual through the education of his passions. – George Will
Think about it: Every educated person is not rich, but almost every education person has a job and a way out of poverty. So education is a fundamental solution to poverty. – Kathleen Blanco
The five different areas in which boys are in crisis – education jobs emotional health physical health and fatherlessness – are handled by different portions of the government. – Warren Farrell
One of the great failings of our education system is that we tend to focus on those who are succeeding in exams, and there are plenty of them. But what we should also be looking at, and a lot more urgently, is those who fail. – Michael Morpurgo
I have maintained a passionate interest in education, which leads me occasionally to make foolish and ill-considered remarks alleging that not everything is well in our schools. – Philip Pullman
Excellent education and an excellent environment are two hallmarks of our state. How we treat our environment is connected to so many other opportunities in Maine. – John Baldacci