
Dance, Dancing

I just put my feet in the air and move them around. – Fred Astaire

I am not the first straight dancer or the last. – Mikhail Baryshnikov

You need to get in touch with your body … do dance, movement, learn to be supple, or be someone whos coordinated, preferably. You have to study, train, and you dont have to go to school necessarily, you can teach yourself a lot of stuff. – Jacqueline Bisset

To shake your rump is to be environmentally aware. – David Byrne

Custom has made dancing sometimes necessary for a young man; therefore mind it while you learn it, that you may learn to do it well, and not be ridiculous, though in a ridiculous act. – Lord Chesterfield

The Twist was a guided missile, launched from the ghetto into the very heart of suburbia. The Twist succeeded, as politics, religion, and law could never do, in writing in the heart and soul what the Supreme Court could only write on the books. – Eldridge Cleaver

How inimitably graceful children are in general before they learn to dance! – Samuel Taylor Coleridge

The only dance masters I could have were Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Walt Whitman and Nietzsche. – Isadora Duncan

The real American type can never be a ballet dancer. The legs are too long, the body too supple and the spirit too free for this school of affected grace and toe walking. – Isadora Duncan

The dancers body is simply the luminous manifestation of the soul. – Isadora Duncan

Before I was born my mother was in great agony of spirit and in a tragic situation. She could take no food except iced oysters and champagne. If people ask me when I began to dance, I reply, In my mothers womb, probably as a result of the oysters and champagne – the food of Aphrodite. – Isadora Duncan

Dancing is the loftiest, the most moving, the most beautiful of the arts, because it is no mere translation or abstraction from life; it is life itself. – Havelock Ellis

Dancing begets warmth, which is the parent of wantonness. It is, Sir, the great grandfather of cuckoldom. – Henry Fielding

And let the winds of the heavens dance between you. – Kahlil Gibran

We look at the dance to impart the sensation of living in an affirmation of life, to energize the spectator into keener awareness of the vigor, the mystery, the humor, the variety, and the wonder of life. This is the function of the American dance. – Martha Graham

Nothing is more revealing than movement. – Martha Graham

Dancing is a wonderful training for girls, its the first way you learn to guess what a man is going to do before he does it. – Christopher Morley

We should consider every day lost in which we have not danced at least once. – Friedrich Nietzsche