

I used to have a silk dressing gown an uncle bought in Japan and when I came downstairs in it, my dad used to call me Davinia. There was never embarrassment about that kind of thing. My sister used to dress me up a lot. She thought I was a little doll. – David Walliams

My sisters have been baptized and my dad is a deacon at his church now. Sadly my mother passed away but what I can say is that the Jehovah Witnesses took very good care of her up until she died. – Sherri Shepherd

I listened to the radio, so I was influenced by everyone from Michael Jackson to Milli Vanilli. But thankfully my dad had a collection of Cat Stevens albums while my mom was listening to jazz. – Jason Mraz

I was into all kinds of music as a teen – country music, because my dad was in a band that played country, and whatever my sister and brother were into. – Martina McBride

I love my mom and dad. – Taylor Momsen

Mental illness can happen to anybody. You can be a dustman, a politician, a Tesco worker… anyone. It could be your dad, your brother or your aunt. – Frank Bruno

My dad used to draw these great cartoon figures. His dream was being a cartoonist, but he never achieved it, and it kind of broke my heart. I think part of my interest in art had to do with his yearning for something he could never have. – Kathryn Bigelow

My dad had this rock hard body and would work 12- to 13-hour days. The guys he worked with were scrap-iron guys. Nobody on that road crew had read a book in 10 years, but there was something about the way they lived I really admired. – Richard Russo

My memories are of my dad taking me to football on Saturday mornings, and my mum taking me swimming. Those are the things I remember from my childhood, not sitting around the table debating capitalism and the profit squeeze. – David Miliband

My dad was a ham, too. He could sell those women anything. Of all his sons, I was the only one he could trust to sell as well as he could. I was proud of that. – Paul Lynde

I always wanted to be a stay-at-home dad making art, making movies. – Robert Rodriguez

When I was a kid, my step dad started this business and would go out and get lost cows and stuff. He was part-time truck driver, farmer and cowboy. He taught me how to ride from an early age. – Tim McGraw

My dad says he likes to bask in my glow. – Robert Pattinson

I grew up with baseball I played in Little League and went to games with my dad. But I, as I grew up, became more of a basketball fanatic than a baseball one. – Jonah Hill

I love being a dad, it keeps me fit and inspired and children are so funny. They always supply you with acting material! – Wesley Snipes

I was born in 1968, just eighteen months after my sister Chrisse and just one year after Dad passed the bar exam. – Carre Otis

Baseball is the president tossing out the first ball of the season. And a scrubby schoolboy playing catch with his dad on a Mississippi farm. – Ernie Harwell

When I was 7, my dad asked his friend to teach me. I played my first tournament competition when I was 8. I remember I shot around 125. – Yani Tseng

My dad had a personal style which was very attractive. It was quite reserved and quite elegant, and it was infectious. – Bill Nighy

The worst advice I ever received from my dad was to play by the book. – Dimebag Darrell