

I had my heart set on becoming an English teacher, but stumbled into acting after meeting a theatrical agent in my dads restaurant in San Diego. – Charisma Carpenter

Dad was just an emotional wreck. He was drinking a lot of the time, he was smoking a lot of pot. And because he takes certain medications, the drinking was making him… you know, he wasnt even present, really. – Jack Osbourne

If I have a problem, stuffs going through my head, I feel like using, I usually go and talk to my dad… I decided to get sober a lot younger than he did. He first tried to get sober when he was like 32, I believe. – Jack Osbourne

And then before going back for my sophomore year, I decided to change my major to arts and sciences, and my dad cut a deal with me: He said if Id quit school hed pay my rent for the next three years, as if I were in school. – Sarah Silverman

Dad worked in a warehouse when I was little and I didnt see him for three years as he was doing all the overtime God gave him to buy me new ballet shoes, or a new tutu. – Jennifer Ellison

People say Im not good at writing about men. My dad left when I was 16. Give me a break. Im doing the best I can. – Jennifer Weiner

I had to learn how to chop wood actually – I dont think my dad would have let me go chop wood in the backyard growing up. – Jennifer Lawrence

It is because my dad died suddenly that I became an actor. I thought, Im going to make money doing this thing I enjoy. – Paul Giamatti

Im looking out for myself, but Im looking out for my dad, too. – Jamie Redknapp

I know Im 25 now, but theres still that little lad inside me who likes his dad there to see him. – Jamie Redknapp

My dad knows the business, and he tells me Ive got to do whats best for me. – Jamie Redknapp

I remember once giving my dad some drawings and writings and said, If you could just give these to the publisher, that would be great. And I was about five! – Sally Hawkins

My dad was an engineer, and he became the CEO of Chevron. His was an engineers mind-set: Everythings kind of a problem how do you approach the problem? – Bill Keller

My dad was a carpenter and I would work with him during the summer and umpire on the nights I wasnt playing. – Jim Evans

I couldnt be a cameraman or a designer or an actor – I have to be a director because I learned how to do that from my dad. – Joe Wright

When I was born in 1970 with a rare genetic disorder called spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia congenita (SED), medical science wasnt what it is today and my mum and dad were treated terribly by the medical profession. – Warwick Davis

As a father, I do everything my dad didnt do. My son Beaus birth changed my life. – David Cassidy

I found myself very lost after The Partridge Family, and I lost my dad and I lost my manager, and I lived in a bubble, and it took me 15 years to get through that and a lot of psychotherapy, and Im laughing about it now! – David Cassidy

I came up poor. My mother only had a fourth-grade education. My dad didnt have any education at all. But they were very structured. They worked hard. You know, they didnt complain. They didnt murmur. And they believe in the Christ. – Evander Holyfield

My dad used to say to me, You look more like me than I do. – Dhani Harrison