

All things bright and beautiful
All creatures great and small,
All things wise and wonderful,
The Lord God made them all. – Cecil Frances Alexander

If the Lord Almighty had consulted me before embarking upon Creation, I should have recommended something simpler. – Alfonso X

We can make inspired guesses, but we don – Isaac Asimov

On certain mornings, as we turn a corner,
an exquisite dew falls on our heart
and then vanishes.
But the freshness lingers, and this, always,
is what the heart needs.
The earth must have risen in just such a light
the morning the world was born. – Albert Camus

Every man is as heaven made him, and sometimes a great deal worse. – Miguel de Cervantes

Either God is in the whole of nature, with no gaps, or Hes not there at all. – L. A. Coulson

when god decided to invent everything he took one reath bigger than a circustent and everything began – e. e. (Edward Estlin) cummings

Imagine spending four billion years stocking the oceans with seafood, filling the ground with fossil fuels, and drilling the bees in honey production — only to produce a race of bed-wetters! – Barbara Ehrenreich

Search not a wound too deep lest thou make a new one. – Thomas Fuller

Thou didst create the night, but I made the lamp. Thou didst create clay, but I made the cup. Thou didst create the deserts, mountains and forests, I produced the orchards, gardens and groves. It is I who made the glass out of stone, and it is I who turn a poison into an antidote. – Sir Muhammad Iqbal

There are innumerable questions to which the inquisitive mind can in this state receive no answer: Why do you and I exist? Why was this world created? Since it was to be created, why was it not created sooner? – Samuel Johnson

Its a good thing that when God created the rainbow he didnt consult a decorator or he would still be picking colors. – Samuel Levenson

In creating, the only hard thing is to begin: a grass blades no easier to make than an oak. – James Russell Lowell

Imagine the Creator as a stand up comedian – and at once the world becomes explicable. – H. L. Mencken

In the beginning was the Word. Man acts it out. He is the act, not the actor. – Henry Miller

God made man merely to hear some praise of what hed done on those Five Days. – Christopher Morley

The noun of self becomes a verb. This flashpoint of creation in the present moment is where work and play merge. – Stephen Nachmanovitch

This most beautiful system The Universe could only proceed from the dominion of an intelligent and powerful Being. – Sir Isaac Newton

The finiteness, the dependency, and the insufficiency of man – Reinhold Niebuhr