

I did a lot of gasoline commercials – Hess, Texaco. I was part of the family in the car, the little brat in the back. – Ricky Schroder

Once when I was 16 I had my car taken away from me for being past curfew. Oh, and I said a bad word once, and I actually did get my mouth washed out with soap. – Ashlee Simpson

When the Exxon Valdez spilled in 1989, I was angry. I even wrote on the back of my car, Boycott Exxon! – Alexandra Paul

The only way people are going to change their car buying habits, and the only way government will get behind alternatively fueled vehicles, is if gasoline prices continue to go up. – Alexandra Paul

I allow myself one nice car. – Slash

I started out by believing God for a newer car than the one I was driving. I started out believing God for a nicer apartment than I had. Then I moved up. – Jim Bakker

Man, coaching is a hard job, and it requires a lot of time… I hear stories from coaches who tell me that players call them in the middle of the night not knowing where they parked their car. – Joe Montana

I live in a kind of gay bubble. I live in a gay house, I drive a gay car. I eat gay food. – Julian Clary

I just completed a tour in Europe. I played every night. This requires traveling some days for six hours in a van or a train or a car. After six weeks of that, I checked into the hotel and just fell apart. – Lee Konitz

The problem is that the Iraqi people are facing atrocities from both sides – Zarqawi and also the American troops at times. The Zarqawi groups uses car bombs, the Americans use other bombs. You also know what they do in the prisons. – Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani

The driver of a racing car is a component. When I first began, I used to grip the steering wheel firmly, and I changed gear so hard that I damaged my hand. – Juan Manuel Fangio

No, in Lethal Weapon I was a taxi cab driver that Mel jumps in front of the taxi and pulls me out of the car and steals the taxi. Then I did some other indie driving for some of the car sequences. – David R. Ellis

So then I started doing a lot of episodic TV, just car chases or helicopter chases or whatever. – David R. Ellis

They had some really cool rigged cars and things that were different that they would tow behind the camera car that were actually on these trailers that manipulated side to side and stuff like they were getting hit, and actually put the actor right in the middle of the chase. – David R. Ellis

I really like listening to music in my car. – Aaron Neville

I absolutely refuse to reveal my age. What am I – a car? – Cyndi Lauper

I only know it takes weeks to recover, as if one had been in a car accident. – Patricia Highsmith

I would like you all to give me a round of applause as I have not crashed my car in over 15 months. – Matthew Perry

Every little kid has always wanted to be a race car driver. This gets some of that out. – David Alan Grier

In the United States three new methods of transportation made their appearance at almost the same time – the steamboat, the canal boat, and the rail car. – John Moody