

Reach for a better feeling thought. – Abraham–Hicks

The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in the mind at the same time, and still retain the ability to function. One should, for example, be able to see that things are hopeless and yet be determined to make them otherwise. – F. Scott Fitzgerald

I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet. – Mahatma Gandhi

The soul does not absorb negativity by accident, always by choice. – Dodinsky,

The human spirit is stronger than anything that can happen to it. – C.C. Scott

Give goodness to the day and before you know it, the day will be giving goodness to you. – Terri Guillemets

I am a little deaf, a little blind, a little impotent, and on top of this are two or three abominable infirmities, but nothing destroys my hope. – Voltaire

If you can wear the hard times of your life as furrows on your brow, you can wear the good times as a twinkle in your eye. – Robert Brault,

The excursion is the same when you go looking for your sorrow as when you go looking for your joy. – Eudora Welty

If you keep on saying things are going to be bad, you have a good chance of becoming a prophet. – Isaac Bashevis Singer

Grow antennae, not horns. – James Angell

Rain, after all is only rain; it is not bad weather. So also, pain is only pain; unless we resist it, then it becomes torment. – I Ching

Your positivity can become a castle around you which will protect you from the arrow of negativity. – Gurudev Shree Chitrabhanu

Focus on the simple, good things in life and breathe your way through the minor struggles. – Terri Guillemets, “Re-learning life,” 2002

We cannot direct the wind but we can adjust the sails. – Author Unknown

Dwell not upon thy weariness, thy strength shall be according to the measure of thy desire. – Arab Proverb

Negative thinking destroys your brain cells and causes global warming. Source: The Scientific Institute of GetOverIt! – Dodinsky,

The block of granite which was an obstacle in the pathway of the weak, became a stepping-stone in the pathway of the strong. – Thomas Carlyle

Misery is a communicable disease. – Martha Graham

Be the light in the dark, be the calm in the storm and be at peace while at war. – Mike Dolan, @HawaiianLife