

The American attitude is Were the best. Thats why the NBA guys who come from other countries, the Europeans, all sort of stick together away from the game. – Andrew Bogut

Im not anti-fashion, but Ive always had a bit of a punk attitude. Thats important, I think. I do my own thing. – Sade Adu

My parents have a strong work ethic, but their attitude to life, their philosophy, is: whatever makes you happy. – Sally Hawkins

The pool is terrible, but that doesnt have much to do with my record swims. Thats all mental attitude. – Mark Spitz

Fame can be just so annoying because people are so critical of you. You cant just say, hi. You say hi and people whisper man did you see the way she said hi? What an attitude. – Juliette Lewis

My dad instilled in me a great sense of humor. I wasnt bullied at school because my outward attitude was confident, and that helps. – Warwick Davis

You can measure a programmers perspective by noting his attitude on the continuing vitality of FORTRAN. – Alan Perlis

That attitude toward women as objects may have worked for the late Sixties, but it doesnt do so now. – John Schlesinger

The time I spent thinking about how I was better than somebody else or worrying about somebody elses attitude was time I could put to better use. – Charley Pride

I hope The Voice has a fifteen-year run, dont get me wrong. But I come from nothing, and maybe its the Irish in me, but my attitude is always like, Theyll figure me out soon. – Carson Daly

UFOs attitude toward the subject is very similar to mine. Its not an advocacy its philosophy is more I want to believe this, but I want it proved. – Dwight Schultz

The music is first and foremost everything – no egos, no attitude, nothing – its about the music. – Big Boi

But having said that, theres also a sea change in attitude towards media. – Robert McChesney

In the West, you have always associated the Islamic faith 100 percent with Arab culture. This in itself is a fundamentalist attitude and it is mistaken. – Youssou NDour

Jazz in itself is not struggling. That is, the music itself is not struggling… Its the attitude thats in trouble. My plays insist that we should not forget or toss away our history. – August Wilson

As the time goes by, you change, your learn new things, your attitude is different. For the moment, Im still enjoying ski racing so much that it would be difficult for me to think about ending my career. – Hermann Maier

My attitude on skis is different now. I have learned to put less pressure on myself and on the edges of my skis when Im racing, to be keep myself more under control. – Hermann Maier

Our attitude is that we want to cross over. You cant go on making records just for your own hometown. – Cheryl James

I do not share the half-in, half-out attitude to the EU of some in Britain. Britains place is in Europe. – Peter Mandelson

I think that the U.S. does have this very much more open attitude, and I admire it very much and I think its very important to the world. But the information and the discussion sometimes come too late, after the effective decision has been made. – E. P. Thompson