

Players should know that if you cant make the contribution of the winning shot, that your attitude every day when you come to practice, or the positive contribution you make through cheering and keeping up team morale, is just as important in the overall picture. – Sue Wicks

Its not the style that motivates me, as much as an attitude of openness that I have when I go into a project. – Herbie Hancock

There were a few teachers who just did not like me because of my face. Once, I was told to stand in the corner until I cheered up. The attitude was, Oh, for Gods sake, whats the matter with him? But its just a natural expression. – Jack Dee

Im just part of a tradition of people who arent pleased. I would never think anyone else who has the same attitude was getting it from me. Id just think theyre… sensible. – Jack Dee

The key to life is your attitude. Whether youre single or married or have kids or dont have kids, its how you look at your life, what you make of it. Its about making the best of your life wherever you are in life. – Candace Bushnell

Whenever Im having a bad day and have an attitude, I stay home. I keep it at home. – Michael Clarke Duncan

You dont have to have an attitude if youre famous. – Adriana Lima

What irritates me is the bland way people go around saying, Oh, our attitude has changed. We dont dislike these people any more. But by the strangest coincidence, they havent taken away the injustice the laws are still on the books. – Christopher Isherwood

Regardless of what ones attitude towards prohibition may be, temperance is something against which, at a time of war, no reasonable protest can be made. – William Lyon Mackenzie King

At home in Ireland, theres a habit of avoidance, an ironical attitude towards the authority figure. – Seamus Heaney

Even if people do wrong, were social animals, so what can we do about stopping them doing the same things in future? Saying people are bad or evil is just an unwillingness to engage an unwillingness to try to empathise. That sanctimonious attitude doesnt help anyone. – Denise Mina

People have often asked if Im gay because I dont go out of my way to spit and scratch and give people attitude. – Jason Bateman

I dont return anybodys calls unless its going to mean extra money for me. And Ive completely cut off all relationships with any friends that I had before the show. And Ive copped an attitude. – Mike Judge

My feelings about my mortality are less selfish than they used to be. I used to affect a cavalier attitude to death now I see it from my sons perspective. – Rufus Sewell

Art is the child of Nature yes, her darling child, in whom we trace the features of the mothers face, her aspect and her attitude. – Beck

I just think that people take me a little more seriously as a brunette. I dont know if thats just because of a societal preconceived notion that all blondes are stupid, but its a different kind of attitude. – Kate Bosworth

I came back to performing with a different attitude about performing and myself. I wasnt expecting perfection any more, just hoping for an occasional inspiration. – Neil Diamond

Animals have a much better attitude to life and death than we do. They know when their time has come. We are the ones that suffer when they pass, but its a healing kind of grief that enables us to deal with other griefs that are not so easy to grab hold of. – Emmylou Harris

Its not too good to have this attitude in F1. It could be a disadvantage. – Alain Prost

Theres a punk-rock attitude, clearly, to Hated. Theres even a punk-rock attitude to The Hangover, I think. We start the movie with a Glenn Danzig song. – Todd Phillips