Quote by Albert Einstein
I cant believe that God plays dice with the universe. - Albert Ein

I cant believe that God plays dice with the universe. – Albert Einstein

Other quotes by Albert Einstein

Nothing will benefit human health and increase the chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet – Albert Einstein

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Gambling (Gaming)

Rule: Never perform card tricks for the people you play poker with. – Proverb

Smith and Wesson or a Colt always beat four aces. – Proverb

Sir, I do not call a gamester a dishonest man; but I call him an unsociable man, an unprofitable man. Gaming is a mode of transferring property without producing any intermediate good. – Samuel Johnson

Whenever you see a gaming table be sure to know fortune is not there. Rather she is always in the company of industry. – Oliver Goldsmith

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