Quote by Albert Einstein
I cant believe that God plays dice with the universe. - Albert Ein

I cant believe that God plays dice with the universe. – Albert Einstein

Other quotes by Albert Einstein

I believe that the first step in the setting of a real external world is the formation of the concept of bodily objects and of bodily objects of various kinds. – Albert Einstein

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Gambling (Gaming)

I have a notion that gamblers are as happy as most people, being always excited; women, wine, fame, the table, even ambition, sate now and then, but every turn of the card and cast of the dice keeps the gambler alive — besides one can game ten times longer than one can do any thing else. – Lord (George Gordon) Byron

Gambling is the son of avarice and the father of despair. – Proverb

Smith and Wesson or a Colt always beat four aces. – Proverb

There are two great pleasures in gambling: that of winning and that of losing. – Proverb

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