Quote by Germaine Greer
The blind conviction that we have to do something about other peop

The blind conviction that we have to do something about other peoples reproductive behavior, and that we may have to do it whether they like it or not, derives from the assumption that the world belongs to us, who have so expertly depleted its resources, rather than to them, who have not. – Germaine Greer

Other quotes by Germaine Greer

Never advise anyone to go to war or to get married. Write down the advice of him who loves you, though you like it not at present. He that has no children brings them up well. – Germaine Greer

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Only one thing is certain: if pot is legalized, it wont be for our benefit but for the authorities . To have it legalized will also be to lose control of it. – Germaine Greer

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Other Quotes from
Contraception, Birth Control

It is now quite lawful for a Catholic woman to avoid pregnancy by a resort to mathematics, though she is still forbidden to resort to physics and chemistry. – H. L. Mencken

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