Do behold the king in his glory, King Sequoia. Behold! Behold! see

Do behold the king in his glory, King Sequoia. Behold! Behold! seems all I can say…. Well may I fast, not from bread but from business, bookmaking, duty doing & other trifles…. I’m in the woods woods woods, & they are in mee-ee-ee…. I wish I were wilder & so bless Sequoia I will be. – John Muir, from a letter to Jeanne C. Carr, circa autumn 1870, ©1984 Muir-H

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No nobler monuments of our love for beauty can be erected than to preserve these oldest and biggest trees in the world and these tallest trees in America. – French Strother, “Saving the Big Trees: The Need of Further National, Stat


Gigantic second and third growth trees are found in the redwoods, forming magnificent temple-like circles around charred ruins more than a thousand years old. – John Muir, “The American Forests,” August 1897


Easy places in which to lose your mind: bakeries, bookstores, redwood forests, wild gardens. – Dr.SunWolf,


But more impressive than the facts and figures as to height, width, age, etc., are the entrancing beauty and tranquility that pervade the forest, the feelings of peace, awe and reverence that it inspires. – George McDonald, Dollarwise Guide to California and Las Vegas, 1983, about Muir


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