Quote by Caroline Norton
My beautiful, my beautiful! That standest meekly by, with thy prou

My beautiful, my beautiful! That standest meekly by, with thy proudly-arched and glossy neck, and dark and fiery eye! – Caroline Norton

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Horses, Horse Racing

So did this horse excel a common one
In shape, in courage, color, pace and bone.
…What a horse should have he did not lack,
Save a proud rider on so proud a back. – William Shakespeare

I can make a General in five minutes but a good horse is hard to replace. – Abraham Lincoln

Ive often said theres nothing better for the inside of a man than the outside of a horse. – Will Rogers

There is something about jumping a horse over a fence, something that makes you feel good. Perhaps its the risk, the gamble. In any event its a thing I need. – William Faulkner

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