Under his spurning feet, the roadLike an arrowly alpine river

Under his spurning feet, the road
Like an arrowly alpine river flowed
And the landscape sped away behind
Like an ocean flying before the wind…. – Thomas Buchanan Read

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Horses, Horse Racing

Let us look beyond the ears of our own horses so that we may see the good in one anothers. – Anon.

I can make a General in five minutes but a good horse is hard to replace. – Abraham Lincoln

A horse is dangerous at both ends and uncomfortable in the middle. – Ian Fleming

My beautiful, my beautiful! That standest meekly by, with thy proudly-arched and glossy neck, and dark and fiery eye! – Caroline Norton

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Every human being is a volume, worthy to be studied. – William Ellery Channing, Lecture II on the Elevation of the Labouring Portion of
