Quotes by

Suzanne Fields

Thats what Major League Baseballs steroid scandal was all about, the hidden harm in competitive sports that sends the wrong message to the young. – Suzanne Fields

American high school students trail teenagers from 14 European and Asian countries in reading, math and science. Were even trailing France. – Suzanne Fields

A growing number of young women who have the freedom to decide have decided that career can wait, and the delicious early years of their childrens lives cant. – Suzanne Fields

Fast sex, like fast food, is cheap, but it doesnt nourish the body – or the soul. – Suzanne Fields

Fully 57 percent of American college students are women. Life insurance companies sell more policies to women than to men. As women continue to draw on experience and education, theyre accelerating their numbers in upper management, too. – Suzanne Fields

Churchill knew the importance of peace, and he also knew the price of it. Churchill finally got his voice, of course. He stressed strategy, but it was his voice that armed England at last with the old-fashioned moral concepts of honor and duty, justice and mercy. – Suzanne Fields

The lopsided attitudes of college professors pose a serious challenge to learning because students are so susceptible to becoming lopsided sheep. – Suzanne Fields

Hollywood and the recording industry argue that current law permits the copying of songs and movies, and sharing them on the Internet. This enables young people to grow up learning how to steal. – Suzanne Fields

Insult is powerful. Insult begets both rage and humor and often at the same time. – Suzanne Fields

There is a bright spot or two for the Spaniards. French toast has become freedom toast on the Air Force One breakfast menu, but the Spanish omelet is still a Spanish omelet. – Suzanne Fields

The old studios that mass-produced dreams are gone with the wind, just like the old downtown theaters that were the temples of the dreams. – Suzanne Fields

Most of the debate over the cultures of death and life is about process. The debate focuses on the technology available to determine how we prolong life and how and when we end it. – Suzanne Fields

The death of Pope John Paul II led many of different faiths and of no faith to acknowledge their debt to the Roman Catholic Church for holding on to absolutes that the rest of us can measure ourselves against. – Suzanne Fields