Quotes by

Stone Gossard

Its a very complex scenario, and certainly Dave was, and is, not the only person in Pearl Jam with personality flaws. Everybody in this band exhibits some form of neurotic behavior. And we couldnt find a balance, a mutual respect for each other. – Stone Gossard

Well, you go to Holland and everybodys on a bike – nobody would think to have a car. – Stone Gossard

A lot of fun stuff happens when you go out on a bike compared to when youre in a car. Youre more in the environment. Its enjoyable. Even when Its raining Its still fun. – Stone Gossard

I walked to Seward School first through fourth grade. Its just amazing to me now that wed walk down 10th Avenue on Capitol Hill. – Stone Gossard

I think if you exercise, your state of mind – my state of mind – is usually more at ease, ready for more mental challenges. Once I get the physical stuff out of the way it always seems like I have more calmness and better self-esteem. – Stone Gossard

I like rhythmic things that butt up against each other in a cool kind of way. – Stone Gossard

And I remember as a second or third grader having some autonomy to go to the store if I felt like it, walk home, take my time, kick the can. We were on our own schedule after school, so that was cool. – Stone Gossard

I really enjoy not getting in a car and running errands on bikes. – Stone Gossard