Quotes by

S.A. Sachs

You want to run out in front, prepare to be tripped from behind. – S.A. Sachs

Physics is geometric proof on steroids. – S.A. Sachs

Merry Christmas v. Happy Holidays… Why be exclusive when you can be inclusive? – S.A. Sachs

Tomorrow always comes, and today is never yesterday. – S.A. Sachs

An exhibitionist is nothing without a voyeur. – S.A. Sachs

Nothing is forever, if you have enough power tools. – S.A. Sachs

When it comes to hiding porn, every man is a CIA agent. – S.A. Sachs

Primitive does not mean stupid. – S.A. Sachs

The scratches in Yoko Ono records are moments of relief. – S.A. Sachs

Hope rises like a phoenix from the ashes of shattered dreams. – S.A. Sachs

My ideal weight is moobless. – S.A. Sachs