Quotes by

Oscar Wilde

Those who are faithful know only the trivial side of love: it is the faithless who know loves tragedies. – Oscar Wilde

The longer I live the more keenly I feel that whatever was good enough for our fathers is not good enough for us. – Oscar Wilde

To make a good salad is to be a brilliant diplomatist — the problem is entirely the same in both cases. To know exactly how much oil one must put with ones vinegar. – Oscar Wilde

People sometimes inquire what form of government is most suitable for an artist to live under. To this question there is only one answer. The form of government that is most suitable to the artist is no government at all. – Oscar Wilde

Nobody of any real culture, for instance, ever talks nowadays about the beauty of sunset. Sunsets are quite old fashioned. To admire them is a distinct sign of provincialism of temperament. Upon the other hand they go on. – Oscar Wilde

Man is made for something better than disturbing dirt. – Oscar Wilde

One knows so well the popular idea of health. The English country gentleman galloping after a fox — the unspeakable in full pursuit of the uneatable. – Oscar Wilde

There can be nothing more frequent than an occasional drink. – Oscar Wilde

I know not whether Laws be right or whether Laws be wrong; all that we know who live in gaol is that the wall is strong; and that each day is like a year, a year whose days are long. – Oscar Wilde

The community is infinitely more brutalised by the habitual employment of punishment than it is by the occasional occurrence of crime. – Oscar Wilde

He must have a truly romantic nature, for he weeps when there is nothing at all to weep about. – Oscar Wilde

Nothing spoils a romance so much as a sense of humor in the woman. – Oscar Wilde

When one is in love, one always begins by deceiving ones self, and one always ends by deceiving others. That is what the world calls a romance. – Oscar Wilde

Self-denial is the shining sore on the leprous body of Christianity. – Oscar Wilde

No artist has ethical sympathies. An ethical sympathy in an artist is an unpardonable mannerism of style. – Oscar Wilde

He had that curious love of green, which in individuals is always the sign of a subtle artistic temperament, and in nations is said to denote a laxity, if not a decadence of morals. – Oscar Wilde

Im sure I dont know half the people who come to my house. Indeed, from all I hear, I shouldnt like to. – Oscar Wilde

With an evening coat and a white tie, anybody, even a stock broker, can gain a reputation for being civilized. – Oscar Wilde

A mans face is his autobiography. A womans face is her work of fiction. – Oscar Wilde

Men always want to be a womans first love – women like to be a mans last romance. – Oscar Wilde