Let not your mind run on what you lack as much as on what you have already. – Marcus Aurelius
Where a man can live, he can also live well. – Marcus Aurelius
Every mans life lies within the present; for the past is spent and done with, and the future is uncertain. – Marcus Aurelius
He who lives in harmony with himself lives in harmony with the universe. – Marcus Aurelius
Remember that what pulls the strings is the force hidden within; there lies the power to persuade, there the life — there, if one must speak out, the real man. – Marcus Aurelius
When force of circumstance upsets your equanimity, lose no time in recovering your self-control, and do not remain out of tune longer than you can help. Habitual recurrence to the harmony will increase your mastery of it. – Marcus Aurelius
If you are pained by external things, it is not they that disturb you, but your own judgment of them. And it is in your power to wipe out that judgment now. – Marcus Aurelius
A man should be upright, not be kept upright. – Marcus Aurelius
If it is not right do not do it; if it is not true do not say it. – Marcus Aurelius
Life is a warfare and a strangers sojourn, and after fame is oblivion. – Marcus Aurelius
Always observe how ephemeral and worthless human things are. Pass then through this little space of time conformably to nature, and end thy journey in content, just as an olive falls off when it is ripe, blessing nature who produced it, and thanking the tree on which it grew. – Marcus Aurelius
The wise man sees in the misfortune of others what he should avoid. – Marcus Aurelius
One universe made up all that is; and one God in it all, and one principle of being, and one law, the reason shared by all thinking creatures, and one truth. – Marcus Aurelius
A mans life is what his thoughts make of it. – Marcus Aurelius
I have often wondered how it is everyone loves himself more than the rest of men, but yet sets less value on his own opinions of himself than the opinions of others. – Marcus Aurelius
If you are distressed by anything external, the pain is not due to the thing itself but to your own estimate of it; and this you have the power to revoke at any moment. – Marcus Aurelius
To understand the true quality of people, you must look into their minds, and examine their pursuits and aversions. – Marcus Aurelius
Reject your sense of injury and the injury itself disappears. – Marcus Aurelius
Let it judge that nothing is either bad or good which can happen equally to the bad man and the good. For that which happens equally to him who lives contrary to nature and to him who lives according to nature, is neither according to nature nor contrary to nature. – Marcus Aurelius
Such as are your habitual thoughts, such also will be the character of your mind; for the soul is dyed by the thoughts. – Marcus Aurelius