Quotes by

Julie Burchill

Fame is no sanctuary from the passing of youth… suicide is much easier and more acceptable in Hollywood than growing old gracefully. – Julie Burchill

It has been said that a pretty face is a passport. But its not, its a visa, and it runs out fast. – Julie Burchill

Now the whole dizzying and delirious range of sexual possibilities has been boiled down to that one big, boring, bulimic word. RELATIONSHIP. – Julie Burchill

It may be a cliche, but its true – the build-up to Christmas is so much more pleasurable than the actual day itself. – Julie Burchill

One Christmas build-up tradition, however, has totally bypassed me – that of going up to town and doing a show. – Julie Burchill

Lots of women love to accuse men of being immature when the fellow in question displays a reluctance to commit. – Julie Burchill

I dont really care what people tell children – when you believe in Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy, one more fib wont hurt. But I am infuriated by the growing notion, posited in some touchy-feely quarters, that all women are, or can be, beautiful. – Julie Burchill

As a kid, I grew to define what I didnt want my life to be like by sitting behind moaning women on the bus, hearing them bang on about their aches and pains, both real and imagined. – Julie Burchill

Stress was the catch-all every pamper-pedlar I spoke to used to explain why healthy women feel the need to be regularly patted, petted and preened into a state of babyish beatification. – Julie Burchill

Make no mistake, most women are well aware that theyve never had it so good when they enter a spa or salon, it is purely a hair/nails thing, a prelude to an evening of guilt-free fun. – Julie Burchill

No one knows men as such, any more than anyone knows women, and if they do generalise theyre probably trying to hide their own ignorance. You might know one man, yes, or even lots of individual men. – Julie Burchill

Show me a frigid women and, nine times out of ten, Ill show you a little man. – Julie Burchill

Women, more often than not, do things which arent remotely relaxing but are all about preening, which is just another sort of work. – Julie Burchill

Its received wisdom that the English are uniquely child-unfriendly. – Julie Burchill

Theres something brave and touching about game girls of all ages keeping themselves smart in hard times – one thinks of those wonderful women during World War II drawing stocking seams in eyebrow pencil up the back of legs stained with gravy browning because nylons were so hard to get hold of. – Julie Burchill

Its very hard to imagine the phrase consumer society used so cheerfully, and interpreted so enthusiastically, in England. – Julie Burchill

From paying off friends tax bills to rescuing stray dogs and stuffing &pound20 notes into the hands of homeless people, I cant get rid of my money fast enough. – Julie Burchill

We are used to female writers who use their private lives as unmitigated material being somewhat hormonal this somehow excuses what might be seen as a highly unfeminine ability to turn their personal upsets into money. – Julie Burchill

Mind you, Ive always been a very off-message type of fat broad one who gladly admits she reached the size she is now solely through lack of discipline and love of pleasure, and who rather despises people (except those with proven medical conditions) who pretend that it is generally otherwise. – Julie Burchill

Ive never been nostalgic, personally or politically – if the past was so great, how come its history? – Julie Burchill