Quote by Stephenie Meyer
No, actually The Host was totally a palate-cleanser for me. I want

No, actually The Host was totally a palate-cleanser for me. I wanted to do something a little bit different than romantic love. Romantic love is in there, obviously, because I enjoy writing about that and living it a lot. – Stephenie Meyer

Other quotes by Stephenie Meyer

Whats funny about that is when I was writing Twilight just for myself and not thinking of it as a book, I was not thinking about publishing, and yet at the same time I was casting it in my head. Because when I read books, I see them very visually. – Stephenie Meyer

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Ive seen little pieces of Interview with a Vampire when it was on TV, but I kind of always go yuck! I dont watch R-rated movies, so that really cuts down on a lot of the horror. – Stephenie Meyer

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With The Host, I think the actors could be really big names. That would be cool. Id love to see Robert Redford put on a beard and be Jeb he would be amazing… Matt Damon has some very Jared-esque qualities, and then Casey Affleck as Ian and Ben Affleck as Kyle. Imagine the interplay. – Stephenie Meyer

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When I start to write, words have become physical presence. It was to see if I could bring that private world to life that found its first expression through reading. I really dislike the romantic notion of the artist. – John McGahern


Its easier to write from my own life, and its also more fun. I always write about relationships, for instance, whether theyre romantic relationships, friendships, encounters… theres always a lesson to be learned from them. – Jason Mraz


Moonstruck… was one of the few romantic comedies to be nominated for a Best Picture Oscar. – Norman Jewison


We travellers are in very hard circumstances. If we say nothing but what has been said before us, we are dull and have observed nothing. If we tell anything new, we are laughed at as fabulous and romantic. – Mary Wortley Montagu


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