The actors I respect are the ones who see it as a career and manage to live reasonably normal lives, like Meryl Streep and Philip Seymour Hoffman. – Max Irons
If you try to bring teen drama, you end up doing nothing but pouting. – Max Irons
The actors I respect are the ones who see it as a career and manage to live reasonably normal lives, like Meryl Streep and Philip Seymour Hoffman. – Max Irons
If you try to bring teen drama, you end up doing nothing but pouting. – Max Irons
Kindness and a generous spirit go a long way. And a sense of humor. Its like medicine – very healing. – Max Irons
I mean, its fine when youre a kid and someone runs into the playground and goes, Ive got this great game of pretend, and you play… As an actor, getting to play, getting to use your imagination and be childish – it is weird but its wonderful. – Max Irons