The length of a film should be directly related to the endurance of the human bladder. – Alfred Hitchcock Category: Cinema
Why should people go out and pay money to see bad films when they can stay home and see bad television for nothing? – Samuel Goldwyn Category: Cinema
What I like to do is just make good music, good movies, hopefully perform a good show full of energy and just have some fun. – LL Cool J Category: movies
I want kids to have a chance to dream of becoming something like I did in my life, and when youre living in a home thats dysfunctional and unhealthy that way, you dont dream like that. – Picabo Street Category: Home
Physically, a man is a man for a much longer time than a woman is a woman. – Honoré de Balzac, The Physiology of Marriage Category: Women
I hate the cliche of just have fun, but what Ive seen in todays sports, especially with parents, is they put so much pressure on the kids. – Hope Solo Category: Sports