Quote by Betty White
Im in the acting business. Thats the ego business. - Betty White

Im in the acting business. Thats the ego business. – Betty White

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The bottom line is, Im blessed with good health. On top of that, I dont go around thinking Oh, Im 90, I better do this or I better do that. Im just Betty. Im the same Betty that Ive always been. Take it or leave it. – Betty White

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My mother and dad were big animal lovers, too. I just dont know how I would have lived without animals around me. Im fascinated by them – both domestic pets and the wild community. They just are the most interesting things in the world to me, and its made such a difference in my lifetime. – Betty White

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Obamacare has got everyone on edge. I mean, small business – men and women or big business are sitting out there saying we have no idea what this is going to cost, but we know its going to cost us and cost us a lot. – Rick Perry


A belief in God is vitally important, not just in show business, but stability in life. You know, to recognize deity is the most important thing that you can do. I mean, it comes to the Ten Commandments. They werent ten suggestions. They were Ten Commandments. – Donny Osmond


Some years ago there was a study to discover the most stressful occupation. It turned out not to be the head of a large business, football manager or prime minister, but rather: bus driver. – Jonathan Sacks


Not since the digital revolution in the early 90s has technology placed such a comprehensive burden on business, employees and individuals to reinvent their business plans, services and products, and themselves to keep pace with the changing marketplace. – Simon Mainwaring


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A pig bought on credit is forever grunting. – Proverb


Deliver me from writers who say the way they live doesnt matter. Im not sure a bad person can write a good book, If art doesnt make us better, then what on earth is it for. – Alice Walker


The voice of the people has been said to be the voice of God and, however generally this maxim has been quoted and believed, it is not true to fact. The people are turbulent and changing, they seldom judge or determine right. – Alexander Hamilton
