Quote by Rose McGowan
At 13, when I was a runaway, I was taken in by the most amazing dr

At 13, when I was a runaway, I was taken in by the most amazing drag queens in Portland, Ore. We didnt always know where our next meal was coming from, but there was so much camaraderie and love. Not to mention, those girls could paint a face, and I learned how because of them. – Rose McGowan

Other quotes by Rose McGowan

I was up watching Meet Joe Black at four AM. I was hoping Brad Pitt would die, and he was still alive at seven forty in the morning! I actually felt sorry for once, for critics. – Rose McGowan

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Ive been given an amazing opportunity and I could not be more grateful. But I also know that all this will eventually die off. Its not real. It will go away and then youll go away and then, I dont know, Ill be left sitting in some English hotel room. – Josh Brolin


I mean, why am I considered an it girl? Because Im in a lot of movies right now or am on the covers of magazines? I just hope there is something solid behind that. Because heres the thing with it girl status. Its great and amazing that anybody is saying that at all. But how long does that last? – Amanda Seyfried


Its nice because success has allowed me to have a blast on stage, to be in the studio with amazing people, but I find it all a bit bizarre. – David Guetta


Listen once in a while. Its amazing what you can hear. – Russell Baker


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