Let your tears come. Let them water your soul. – Eileen Mayhew
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Broken Hearts
When one door closes another door opens; but we so often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door, that we do not see the ones which open for us. – Alexander Graham Bell
While grief is fresh, every attempt to divert only irritates. You must wait till it be digested, and then amusement will dissipate the remains of it. – Samuel Johnson
Homecoming means more than winning a competition or a sporting event. It provides an opportunity for every component of the university to come together to celebrate as a whole. – Author Unknown
If kind parents love their children and delight in their happiness, then he who is perfect goodness in sending abroad mortal contagions doth assuredly direct their use. – John Woolman
The biggest kick I get is to communicate with those who are exiled from the game – in hospitals, homes, prisons – those who have seldom seen a game, who cant travel to a game, those who are blind. – Jack Buck