Quote by Herman Kahn
World War I broke out largely because of an arms race, and World W

World War I broke out largely because of an arms race, and World War II because of the lack of an arms race. – Herman Kahn

Other quotes by Herman Kahn

A total nuclear freeze is counterproductive – especially now, when technology is rapidly changing and the Soviets have some important strategic advantages. – Herman Kahn

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Projecting a persuasive image of a desirable and practical future is extremely important to high morale, to dynamism, to consensus, and in general to help the wheels of society turn smoothly. – Herman Kahn

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If we stick together as an American people we can bring down the war criminals that are running our country right now. – Cindy Sheehan


As to war, I am and always was a great enemy, at the same time a warrior the greater part of my life and were I young again, should still be a warrior while ever this country should be invaded and I lived. – Daniel Morgan


I get offered a World War II movie at least once a week just because I speak German and was born there. I have always stayed away from it because I didnt want to be put into that box. – Diane Kruger


Officials at the White House are saying that President Bush hasnt changed his schedule much since the war started. The main difference, they say, is that hes started watching the news and taping Sponge Bob. – Conan OBrien


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Let the word go forth from this time and place, to friend and foe alike, that the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans – born in this century, tempered by war, disciplined by a hard and bitter peace. – John F. Kennedy


It helps immerse yourself in what you potentially want to do. Being involved, learning firsthand and observing the craft and absorbing all you can, makes it easier to define what you want. It will also ultimately make you a better Chef. Culinary school, or even a single class, is a great bet too. – Giada De Laurentiis


Much of what is labeled mental illness simply reflects our – George Vaillant

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I made a supreme effort not to do that thing that parents do, which is to bore people without children to death by going on and on about how funny their children are, so theres none of that hopefully. – Jo Brand
