Working in an office with an array of electronic devices is like t

Working in an office with an array of electronic devices is like trying to get something done at home with half a dozen small children around. The calls for attention are constant. – Marilyn vos Savant

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To be honest, I find going out pretty scary and intimidating. Got all those people checking you out, with only one purpose: hooking up. Im quite the dork, Id rather sit home and play Scrabble. But that doesnt get you a girl, does it? – Wentworth Miller


The loss of liberty at home is to be charged to the provisions against danger, real or imagined, from abroad. – James Madison


Ive now been in this country for thirteen years, since I was seventeen. So this is my second home. – Hakeem Olajuwon


When I was 14, I felt very rundown I had a home to go to, but I felt like I was 60 or something, older than I feel now. And I dont know if its something that happens at 14, or whether it was adolescence or whether I was gay, or closeted gay, or whatever it was, I felt that. – Gus Van Sant


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Man is a creative retrospection of nature upon itself. – Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel


We have found a strange footprint on the shores of the unknown. We have devised profound theories, one after another, to account for its origins. At last, we have succeeded in reconstructing the creature that made the footprint. And lo! It is our own. – Sir Arthur Eddington

Mankind, Man