Quote by Dominic Monaghan
Ive worked on films where the budgets are almost limitless and you

Ive worked on films where the budgets are almost limitless and youre in trailers that are bigger than a hotel room. Youre taken care of and the food is amazing, the quality of the job is amazing and then you work on smaller things but it never dictates my happiness or my willingness to go to work. – Dominic Monaghan

Other quotes by Dominic Monaghan

Im a movie nut. I go to the movies probably twice a week, and if Im not doing anything at night, Im usually watching a movie or two. – Dominic Monaghan

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When I was at college, I worked in a department store called Brit Home Stores, which is a pretty lackluster department store, selling clothes for middle-aged women. My job was to walk the floor and find anything that was damaged, take it to the store room and log it. – Dominic Monaghan

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The term geek for me is like you having a passion, interest in something that is unabashed and you dont care if people think its not cool. You think its cool and thats your thing. – Dominic Monaghan

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The attitude is we live and let live. This is actually an amazing change in values in a rather short time and its an example of freedom from religion. – Tom Wolfe


Its been such a deep and amazing journey for me, getting close to John Keats, and also I love Shelley and Byron. I mean, the thing about the Romantic poets is that theyve got the epitaph of romantic posthumously. They all died really young, and Keats, the youngest of them all. – Jane Campion


You can lose a game but, I see guys every week including myself, you lose a game, its a tough loss, youre down, two weeks later you forgot about it. You know its amazing how down you were, but all of the sudden youre like it never happened. – Brett Favre


Ive had four amazing men in my life, very strong, powerful, wonderful men. I certainly will have a relationship with someone but I dont think I will get married again. – Cheryl Tiegs


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The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand, and the determination that whether we win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves to the task at hand. – Vince Lombardi


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