Work is not always required. There is such a thing as sacred idleness. – George MacDonald
When we are out of sympathy with the young, then I think our work in this world is over. – George MacDonald
Work is not always required. There is such a thing as sacred idleness. – George MacDonald
When we are out of sympathy with the young, then I think our work in this world is over. – George MacDonald
One of the good things that come of a true marriage is, that there is one face on which changes come without your seeing them; or rather there is one face which you can still see the same, through all the shadows which years have gathered upon it. – George MacDonald
Creation destroys as it goes, throws down one tree for the rise of another. But ideal mankind would abolish death, multiply itself million upon million, rear up city upon city, save every parasite alive, until the accumulation of mere existence is swollen to a horror. – David Herbert Lawrence