Quote by Margot Kidder
With any group of people in life, sad things happen, and crazy thi

With any group of people in life, sad things happen, and crazy things, and happy things. When youre in the public eye, its just amplified, thats all. – Margot Kidder

Other quotes by Margot Kidder

We didnt have movies in this little mining town. When I was 12 my mom took me to New York and I saw Bye Bye Birdie, with people singing and dancing, and that was it. – Margot Kidder

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You dont have a lot of time you have to get it right. Its amazing how they create these episodes in such a short amount of time. They lavish a lot of care and money on each episode, and they just look terrific. – Margot Kidder

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The hardest thing is at the end you have to say bye to all these people who you have worked with for so many months. It was really sad not to see them anymore. But you have the parties that you go to and you get to see them, like the premieres and the screenings. – Dakota Fanning


Because the sad fact is that the Enron Corporation and others manipulated with unfortunately great effect the energy market in the West Coast starting in 2000. – Jay Inslee


I only really watch sport. Thats where you see real joy. I dont like watching much else on TV, because its generally either twisted or sad. – Roger Milla


Im convinced I got signed because of who I am. And it makes me sad. – Jeff Buckley


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