The recognition of the art that informs all pure science need not mean the abandonment for it of all present art, rather it will mean the completion of the transformation of art that has already begun. – John Desmond Bernal
I decry the current tendency to seek patents on algorithms. There are better ways to earn a living than to prevent other people from making use of ones contributions to computer science. – Donald Knuth
My faith is an important part of my life and over the years Ive learnt that it takes a proud man to say he doesnt need anything. It has been a quiet strength and a backbone through a lot of difficult times. – Bear Grylls
To have faith is to believe in truth, believe that truth confers special power on those lucky enough to get a little insight, and to know in our hearts that all these things come from God, which is why we should never get too cocky about our successes. – Tony Snow
I went to the store and bought lady fingers, when I got home I noticed one of the fingers was missing so I went back to the store and the manager was nice enough to give me the finger. – Jay London
I have never understood why it should be considered derogatory to the Creator to suppose that he has a sense of humour. – William Ralph Inge (1860-1954)